Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Time off

Okay, so I finished my finals on Saturday. Here's how I have spent my time off: making a list of things to do and not really accomplishing them. It's awesome, except that I start my first (of three) bar review classes on Saturday. (BTW, who schedules a bar review class to start on a Saturday????)

Here is a sample of my to do list:

Clean office
Clean living room
Clean bathrooms
Clean bedroom
Clean kitchen
Balance checkbook since October
Plan post-bar trip
Organize files
Pick up graduation robe

In sum, my post finals to do list is LAME (fyi, for those who care the "clean x" portion of the list is all of the rooms in my apartment, and it's gross). So here is what I've accomplished: got drunk (twice), read a fun book, looked at the internet for everything but the vacation, gone to school to help on an article I'm editing for the journal, watched tv, and um... oh I did clean my office and my bedroom. It took WAY too long, but I am cleaning with the intent that it be still good in a week and a half for when my fam roles into town for graduation. My niece is coming! However, she has moved to the stage in life that involves crawling everywhere and sticking everything in her mouth. This means I have to move things like cords and choking hazards to places that she can't get them. Mind you I understand that she comes up to my mid calf and her reach probably goes to my knee, but we are not a baby friendly environment and we have an inordinate amount of wires wandering around the house. This comes from the insistence of the boy of having a home where he can do his work. So inconsiderate.

I also managed to pick up my grad robe. I get to wear a purple hood and that's cool. Apparently the theology PhD.s get blood red hoods, which the guy handing them out pointed out was the most appropriate thing because more wars have been started in the name of religion than anything else. Fairly clever for a guy who almost cut himself twice opening and closing the safety on his box opening razor.

So now, I must stop procrastinating and go to bed, in a very clean room (it's where my parents are going to be sleeping).

PS I'm also now convinced that the online game systems cheat to make me lose too. And not the geek-sheik online world of games like "world of warcraft" but games like yahoo's mahjong.

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