Saturday, May 27, 2006

Really, I'm fine

So, for the last week I have supposed to have been working on writing my memo for my law review application. It is a 10 page document, written like a legal memo, based on research they have provided in a 132 page packet. Let's just say that procrastination wins all the time when I am the opponent. I got it done, but I didn't sleep much Thursday night.

Thus, I slept a lot Friday night, just before going to bed. Were I went to read myself back to sleep, which I couldn't. 4 am is a great time of day, really it is. Just not for being awake. Even my late night neighbors know that. So, finally I fell back asleep and I got up at 2pm. Then I cleaned. Got through the living room, minus my desk. My 10' x 10' living room really shouldn't take 3 hours to clean, but that's how long I took. Now, I just need to clean the rest of my apartment. Hopefully it won't take as long because I would like to at least like to find out something about this city I live in, in case anyone wants to come visit me ever.

However, having a clean apartment for visitors is nice too...

Let's see, updates.

1) I am officially no longer in my first year of law school. Woohoo.

2) The boy's sister got married last weekend and I was there. The day after finals. I cannot say I really got a break that weekend. I did however hear a lot of people ask me when he and I would be getting married. By lots of people I mean four people, repeatedly through out the reception. They were his cousins who I met at Thanksgiving and they were very persistent. Unfortunately the boy was not sitting at the same table. Not because he was supposed to be at a different table, but because sometimes it is easier to just acquiesce to circumstances. So, I sat with the parents, cousins, and family patriarch. No pressure there.
That night, I helped prepare a brunch for the next morning with the boy's mom and the boy. I also helped more the next morning before I left to come back and work on the writing assignment, right as people were showing up for the brunch.

3) I read a whole non-law book! Woohoo! Not a challenging book, but good read called Inkheart. Along the lines of a kids book with some very interesting themes about evil, imagination, and family.

4) The boy is in Australia right now and will move down here when he gets back. So, I really need to do some apartment hunting, and I should maybe get rid of come stuff so that there is room in a closet that I apparently will have to share. Oh, and I should tell my parents.

5) I am working as a judicial intern this summer. I am nervous, excited, daunted, and unsure. I start next week. We shall see.

...beware the groove...

Friday, May 19, 2006

And out...

Today, I finished my last final of my first year. I was plesantly surprised with how it turned out. No need to cry afterwards. Merely, a need to drink. Which I did. In the parking lot with a few classmates. For two hours.

I was OUTSIDE!!!!!

Thus, I got a sunburn for being in cloudy to sunny outdoors. My first sun related issue since moving here to "sunny southern california." I think that says something about my reclusive nerdiness. Or maybe it doesn't. I don't know, and I don't care.

Three hour naps in the middle of the day to "sleep it off" are awesome.


Monday, May 15, 2006

2 down 2 to go

I am an ubernerd!!!!! (I don't have umlauts, which makes me sad that I cannot express the proper vowel mutation, which expresses my ubernerdiness.)

I realized at some point last night while not sleep because the overwhelming panic that I could not accept a B in the class that I took the final for this morning. (Which sounds like this smorning in my head so I could not figure out if I spelled it properly, hee hee.) For those not in "the know" there is a hard curve in the first year of law school, and, like most law schools except Harvard, the bell of the curve sits on the B. Only 18% of the class can get above a B+. I want to be in that 18% because since everyone asks me to explain stuff they don't understand in my property class, I think that I am "too good" for a mere average rating. However, the panic sets in when I thought about the paucity of studying for that final. Additionally, the entirety of the above worries me on many levels, mostly the whole "Ego" being developed. I really need to get over myself.

Speaking of which, I have to study for a test that will, inherently kick my ass, only to be followed on Friday by a test that will kick my ass and my brain, repeatedly, with spiky things on its feet. Think of the fanged protector of the cave that gives the location of the grail. That will make you laugh if you have any sense of humor worth having. Particularly if you remember "Tim" describing it.

Now I must get to work.

PS Taco Bell and 13 hour days in the library are not an appropriate combination. Ulcers and 13 hours in the library and ulcers and Taco Bell are. Odd...

Friday, May 12, 2006

I am not dead, yet

I have just completed my first of four finals. I have not been posting here because a) I'm lazy and b) I know that I should be spending my time doing more studying and less procrastinating.

The funny thing about the second reason is that well, it doesn't always seem to work out that just because I'm not doing one procrastination that I'm not doing all the rest. In fact, I was, but well, now in the next 7 days I must prepared for and take 3 three hour exams that will decide my whole grade for a class I've been going to for four months. Therefore, blog procrastination is added to the list of things acceptable to do.

There is nothing funny about the first reason, except that well, if you know me, which you probably do if you're reading this, you know that I'm not lazy about everything, just selective things like keeping up to date with my friends. Sorry about that.

Here are things I would like to rant about:

1) I work at the school library as my work study. Since I work the circulation desk, my time spent in the books is limited to "shelf reading" and reshelving certain types of books. Shelf reading involves going into certain portions of the stack (the areas were we reshelve no less) and make sure that the books are in order, by call number then by volume number. The areas we reshelve in and "read" in are the series of reporters that are put out by court reporting publishers by volume. Therefore, we're making sure that books are in their proper order from 1 to whatever number it ends at before the publisher starts recounting and naming the series 2nd or 3rd, etc. Not terribly challenging work for someone going after an "advanced" degree.

You would think that, but you'd be WRONG.

I can't tell you how many books I've had to move because people cannot figure out that if the book they have in their hand says 435 in big numbers on the outside it belongs after 434 and before 436, where the big hole they left was created when they pulled the book out is, not after 146, where they put it. Is it really that hard? Now I know that people don't always pay attention and therefore just put books back where ever, and well, bully for them, but I am also firmly convinced that these are the same people that complain that the books they need are never in the right place or reshelved quickly enough.

Or they complain that the print card machine needs fives and ones and we never have change (it's not our machine or our responsibility, except when it breaks).

I really just don't like people.

2) If it is clearly "study for finals in the library time," popping your gum for two hours should be reason for me to beat you. Not turning off your cell phone ringer, well, then "grave bodily harm" is justified. Not turning off your cell phone ringer, answering the phone call in the carrels, and proceeding to have a conversation that starts with "I'm in the library" and lasts more than 30 seconds without you leaving the study area where "no cell phones can be used here" is clearly marked, well, you're risking your life. Seriously.

3) DHL can bite my ass.

4) I am conscious hypocrite. (I don't have my cell phone on in the library or snap gum, but I do look down on people for interrupting everyone or being rude, and I do that.) I think that's worse than just being a hypocrite. I must fix this, but I don't know how.

5) The more people I talk to in law school the more I realize there are people here that I like and I should be more social. And they should all stop trying to transfer to other schools.

6) I broke my coffee grinder the day before finals and don't have any ground coffee in my house, you try to tell me that God has no sense of humor.

Now, onto property studies, unless there is something else I need to do...