Monday, May 15, 2006

2 down 2 to go

I am an ubernerd!!!!! (I don't have umlauts, which makes me sad that I cannot express the proper vowel mutation, which expresses my ubernerdiness.)

I realized at some point last night while not sleep because the overwhelming panic that I could not accept a B in the class that I took the final for this morning. (Which sounds like this smorning in my head so I could not figure out if I spelled it properly, hee hee.) For those not in "the know" there is a hard curve in the first year of law school, and, like most law schools except Harvard, the bell of the curve sits on the B. Only 18% of the class can get above a B+. I want to be in that 18% because since everyone asks me to explain stuff they don't understand in my property class, I think that I am "too good" for a mere average rating. However, the panic sets in when I thought about the paucity of studying for that final. Additionally, the entirety of the above worries me on many levels, mostly the whole "Ego" being developed. I really need to get over myself.

Speaking of which, I have to study for a test that will, inherently kick my ass, only to be followed on Friday by a test that will kick my ass and my brain, repeatedly, with spiky things on its feet. Think of the fanged protector of the cave that gives the location of the grail. That will make you laugh if you have any sense of humor worth having. Particularly if you remember "Tim" describing it.

Now I must get to work.

PS Taco Bell and 13 hour days in the library are not an appropriate combination. Ulcers and 13 hours in the library and ulcers and Taco Bell are. Odd...

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