Saturday, May 27, 2006

Really, I'm fine

So, for the last week I have supposed to have been working on writing my memo for my law review application. It is a 10 page document, written like a legal memo, based on research they have provided in a 132 page packet. Let's just say that procrastination wins all the time when I am the opponent. I got it done, but I didn't sleep much Thursday night.

Thus, I slept a lot Friday night, just before going to bed. Were I went to read myself back to sleep, which I couldn't. 4 am is a great time of day, really it is. Just not for being awake. Even my late night neighbors know that. So, finally I fell back asleep and I got up at 2pm. Then I cleaned. Got through the living room, minus my desk. My 10' x 10' living room really shouldn't take 3 hours to clean, but that's how long I took. Now, I just need to clean the rest of my apartment. Hopefully it won't take as long because I would like to at least like to find out something about this city I live in, in case anyone wants to come visit me ever.

However, having a clean apartment for visitors is nice too...

Let's see, updates.

1) I am officially no longer in my first year of law school. Woohoo.

2) The boy's sister got married last weekend and I was there. The day after finals. I cannot say I really got a break that weekend. I did however hear a lot of people ask me when he and I would be getting married. By lots of people I mean four people, repeatedly through out the reception. They were his cousins who I met at Thanksgiving and they were very persistent. Unfortunately the boy was not sitting at the same table. Not because he was supposed to be at a different table, but because sometimes it is easier to just acquiesce to circumstances. So, I sat with the parents, cousins, and family patriarch. No pressure there.
That night, I helped prepare a brunch for the next morning with the boy's mom and the boy. I also helped more the next morning before I left to come back and work on the writing assignment, right as people were showing up for the brunch.

3) I read a whole non-law book! Woohoo! Not a challenging book, but good read called Inkheart. Along the lines of a kids book with some very interesting themes about evil, imagination, and family.

4) The boy is in Australia right now and will move down here when he gets back. So, I really need to do some apartment hunting, and I should maybe get rid of come stuff so that there is room in a closet that I apparently will have to share. Oh, and I should tell my parents.

5) I am working as a judicial intern this summer. I am nervous, excited, daunted, and unsure. I start next week. We shall see.

...beware the groove...

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