Thursday, June 12, 2008

So much pain

So, in my effort at procrastinating, oh and to get healthier, I have started attending the gym with the boy. I dropped my membership that I wasn't using and joined at his gym which was cheaper. Now, I feel "motivated" to go, in that way that he's going, and he will encourage me to go. The boy is also a former personal trainer at a gym, so he's put together a routine for me. I have pain in the strangest places. And there are certain things that I have to do which just don't feel good anymore, like sitting up or reaching for things. But it's a good sort of pain.

There's a statement that doesn't make sense "good pain." Unless that's your thing. If it is I recommend starting over at the gym. If it's not, then you're with me on the fact that the statement "good pain" makes no sense. Productive pain sort of makes sense, like childbirth is, apparently, productive pain. It is pain that encourages you to get that alien parasite out of you, which is important. Or like an infection, it's telling you to get rid of the bad stuff, even if that includes cutting your arm off. Productive pain in relation to the gym is the light soreness that you feel more when your using your body to do normal things, it reminds you that your body isn't as strong as it used to be and that it is in my power to fix.

Now, if only I could find a way to apply that to my bar studies. It's just a matter of making myself sick to a realistic schedule which will really help me study. The hardest part is just reading and rereading stuff so that I can commit a lot of information to memory. It's not as easy to stay focused for extended periods of time to get myself to really read through the information. Instead I find my mind wandering or my eyes slowly closing as I fall asleep. I need something that will cause me to be un-distracted and want to read through this stuff. Perhaps I need a better sense of impending doom.

Perhaps instead of writing you people I should go study now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heya-belated congrats on graduating! I'm sorry for being out of the loop on things but I trust all is well with you. Hope we can reconnect sometime in the near future now that I'm back stateside!!