Sunday, June 22, 2008

An Open Letter to Food Stuffs Makers

Dear Sirs and Madames:

Please stop making the bags in which you place your various food items, such as cereal, goldfish crackers, and the like, out of material that is weaker than the glue with which the bag is sealed shut. It is already difficult enough to open said bags properly given the Herculean effort necessary just to start the opening process, but then to have a giant tear in the wrong direction makes the process of eating your food, or more accurately getting your food into a dish, all the more frustrating. Therefore, the entire process, from start to finish of eating your bagged food becomes annoying.

While some might suggest that I simply use scissors instead, I say that you are the ones who recommend peeling the bags open at the glue strip, therefore the issue is yours to fix. Besides, it didn't used to be this way when I was little. I could open a bag correctly when I was little. Now that I'm older, it seems that you've improved your glue, but left the bag weaker and more subject to tearing.

Thank you for your efforts to improve this problem.


Girl with too many bags of food which require extra sealing...

1 comment:

Dori said...

Also, while the food stuffs people are listening, could they please do something about the orange juice/milk containers? So that when we open a new container, peeling back the tightly sealed lid, the contents don't splash out all over us/the countertop?