Okay, so I just doubled checked the last time I updated, and I owe the two of you who still check this site an apology. I thought that I'd at least put something up about my birthday, but I didn't. Also, I never told you that I finished my finals, but that I don't have the will to study anymore, but I didn't do that either. Then I could have mentioned bringing the boy home for the holidays and seeing my niece, but I haven't done that either... In all, I really have dropped the ball the last two months. So, sorry. Here is a brief recap of November 22 to around Christmas.
I turned 30 on my birthday (as opposed to changing my age on a date not related to my birthday). I also had my last class on the same day. It was an evening class. So, on my 30th birthday, I learned about insider trading, but not enough to remember that I learned about insider trading without going to my notes to figure it out. After that I went out for a few beers with people from law school. I was pleasantly surprised at who showed up for a drink and I conveniently did not have to pay for any of it. Woohoo for friends. Plus a lot of friends who aren't around sent me birthday wishes. This gave me warm fuzzies on the inside and may me be okay with the fact that I've lived yet another decade. And that's all I have to say about that.
After my birthday, there were finals (about six days after my birthday, in fact). I had a final, then a paper, then another final. I finished all of them. I was not pleased with my performance on any of them. Stupid lack of time management skills...But, then I was done. Oh, and I have severe senioritis.
Then it was time to get ready for Christmas and going home for two weeks. This involved buying presents for even more people then any year. Mostly I spoilt my niece because it's very easy to do. However there were my parents, my sister and her husband, my niece, the boys parents, the boy's sister and her husband, the boy's aunt (who always gives me something), and the boy. Plus there are the friends who are having babies, the boy's friends who throw gatherings and invite us all the time, and the gift exchange. Then I had to send the holiday cards to my family, friends, the boy's family, and the boy's friends. If you didn't get one and you think you know me well enough, it's probably because I don't have your snail mail address. Or I sent it and it came back to me because I don't have an up-to-date address. Plus, the boy got me a Christmas tree, and I had to decorate it (btw -- this is not a chore it's a fun filled project of joy for me).
Then I went to the boy's friends annual Christmas party. It's hard for me because I don't really fit in, in part because I don't try to fit in and in part because I'm just not a standard girl. I don't really know most of the people that are there, and some of them I don't actually like very much. There are people who don't like each other for whatever reason, there are people who fight with each other -- oh and they're married to each other, there are people who drink too much every time they go out, and there are people who are just closed off to new people. Plus, I don't feel comfortable with new people, even though I've been to this party for the past three years...Then there is the gift exchange, which always ends up giving me the crappy gift. (For example, this year I picked up the car cleaning and detailing kit, which would be great but I live in an apartment without a way of cleaning my card. I actually regifted this present.) Then the boy insists on staying until the bitter end so that we can help clean. This year, I was cleaning while three of the wives were sitting around talking (one of whom is trying to stay pregnant, so I felt that was acceptable). Most of the husbands helped, and the single guys, too, but a couple of them just sat around and kept drinking. While that annoyed me, what galled me is that only one of them said thank you, and he helped to clean... End of rant...
Then I went home for the holidays. My dad took me to a lot of events and then there was the wine tasting at my parents house, then the boy came up, then we went to more events, then there was Christmas morning, then my sister and her family showed up that afternoon and we had the gift opening, then Christmas dinner with my family and another family who is like the other half of our family, then I got a cold, then we had our family photo -- including the boy -- done by the professional photographer, then the boy went home, then I saw my best friend from high school who is eight months pregnant, and then I slept on the plane. Highlights included:
a) a man from a group my dad belongs to asking if I was his wife
b) a women from the same group told me she thought I was 18
c) I got thrown up by my niece about eight time, usually on at least two pieces of clothing
d) it snowed on Christmas day, which is not that exciting for most people, but has not happened in Portland in the 19 years my parents have lived there
e) realizing that the boy had never seen snow on Christmas and then having a snowball fight with him, which he won
f) seeing all of my family together, including the second family who count as family, at the Christmas table, so that there were 11 of us
g) getting my ass kicked by my entire family multiple times playing UNO, seriously, I suck at that game...
h) finding out that I can put my niece back to sleep myself
So, the boy was hesitant to be in the family photo, only because we're not married and he didn't want to my parents to feel obligated to include him. My mom, however was very insistent, and pointed out that family is not about a piece of paper but the love you bring to each other. The boy was convinced upon that speech, which I relayed back and forth as I talked to my mom on the phone.
Also, my niece is growing, but she still doesn't keep all of her food down (thus the throwing up on me so often). She's starting to look like a healthy, chubby baby, which is adorable. The baby vomit, not so cute.
Okay, I'll finish my story later, but I need to get to school so that I can buy my books for class tomorrow, for which I have reading assignments already to do...
Does anyone else have the issue of a constant radio in your head? I have had "The Right Stuff" by the NKOTB running on my head radio for the last 12 hours. I need to change the channel...