Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

So, this was the first year I spent Christmas away from my family. I was very sad not to spend Christmas with my family because it is my favorite time of year because of the craziness that ensues when the holidays role around. The part that was hardest is that my sister had my parents come to her house and so they all got to be together without me there. And, it was of course the year that my sister decided to get herself in the family way and announce it on Christmas Eve to my parents, her inlaws and her sister in law. So, everyone but me. Since it was Christmas Eve, I was with the boy and his family celebrating with them and did not get the news till the next day after everyone else found out, including most of the extended family (biological or otherwise). So, I'm going to be an aunt in less than a year. Woo hoo go me! Oh wait, I don't have to do anything!

Spending Christmas with the boys family was okay. There is a lot of in-family bickering which I guess is standard for families, but it's different for me because we do not spend a lot time with extended family. I suppose my sister and I have our moments, but it seems really different. I suppose that is in part because we are still relatively young and we don't have actually important things to bicker about. Normally we just know what things to say to irritate each other, but maybe after many yhears she and I will be bickering more and more. I should work to make that not happen. Perhap finding my zen place would help. Now if only I would take the time to get a zen place.

Something that I have done for myself is get a job for the summer. I am going to be working at a big law firm here in San Diego, which is awesome for me and happened because some very awesome professors helped me out. It also means that I have sold out, and, to be honest, I am very excited about it. It's still far away, but it is also nerve wracking because all the questions of "can I do this" and "am I going to be over my head" and "what am I thinking" are running around my head. As soon as school starts up again then I am certain that those will dissipate to be drown out by the amount of work that I think I'm going to have next semester. Stupid brain signing up for so many classes....

Now I really must start working on a paper because I'm just that much of a procrastinator. But you knew that.

Kleenex, tissue for the gods...


Melinda said...

Dear Aunt Erin:
Thank you for the Little Mermaid DVD. My mom assures me that I will like it, especially the song about les poissons. She also said that she wishes that they hadn't edited out all the dirty parts for the new edition, but oh well. That's the way it goes sometimes, apparently. Anyway, thanks. I'm psyched and can't wait until I'm old enough to focus my googly eyes on a tv screen.

Anonymous said...

Hey congrats on being an Aunt...and the law firm summer gig. Lots happening...hopefully some day I can get my act together and actually call you! :) Happy New Year and talk to you in 2007!! -Brandon