Monday, April 17, 2006

Sometimes you're disappointed for a reason

and it's the best reason possible.

So, two major things of note.

First, the job fairy came to visit me and and said she has something for me which I would like. It doesn't pay, but I do get credit for it and it's actually the type of job I think I would like post school. So, we're about to find out about the "real world" of the law for the summer and I get to pay extra tution just to see what it's like. It's a backhanded sort of "we're always happy to take more of your money" sort of thing where I pay to school to give me credit for an externship and they did nothing to get me or educate me the entire time. I do have to take another class at some point to "justify" the credit, but that class is its own set of credits and a separate grade. I think. I will need to find this sort of thing out, but that's for after learning the Constitutional law that means nothing.

Secondly, I have agreed to move in with the boy this summer. Major step, minor panic attack. But, hey, I should know early if this whole thing is "the real thing" given my advancing age. (In the last three weeks I have been accused of being thirty more than once.) It's just one big scary thing and well, I just sort of deliberated for a long time then rashly made my decision one night. That's pretty much how I've made most the major decisions in life, and while I always wonder "what if" I have never truly been all that disappointed in the long run. I know this is part luck, but I like to think that once there's a well thought out decision in my subconscious, I just run with it and that's why it seems rash, even to me. I also recognized that while I'm going through the changes my psuedo rash decisions cause, I always get a little down and regret making changes to my life. Hopefully this won't happen in this case because well, he's gonna be living with me.

I must go see an opera sometime because the music sounds fasinating...


Melinda said...

Congrats on the internship, as well as on all the sinful living you are about to do. When M. and I moved in together, it was pretty rash and not super-well-planned also, but it turned out great. Just make sure to get a 2-bedroom place or you will go nuts.

Laurie K said...

congrats on the job and the moving in! I am a big fan of the living in sin. R also makes all his decisions like you do, and thus far has had a fabulous life, so I am sure it will all be great. I skip the deliberating part myself.

Also, as a person who is newly 29, I want to share my good friend A's views on being 30. She loves it, as she felt she was looking a little ragged and tired for her 20's, but is "damn fine looking" for 30. When you say you are 29, everyone is shocked at how old you are, but when you say you are 30, everyone is surprised at how young you are. :)

Anonymous said...

hey, congrats on the internship and on the new living arrangements...oh wait...Melinda already said that...what the hell..congrats anyways. I can't wait to read more about the internship and if it is really something you would like to do post-law school...mainly I'd like to read more because you didn't tell us anything about what you would be doing!! Details..your faithful readers need details!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on both the job and the move-in as others have said. Now you will have joint custody of the playstation!