Saturday, February 11, 2006

Sleep is for the dead

So, I have finally adjusted to the 4 hour of sleep average. It makes me a very weird person. Sometimes I have a 30 second fuse and sometimes I just make ridiculous statements. Not that anyone can tell the difference between a well-slept and tired me, they think I'm weird all the time. Someday, however, my body will simply shutdown and stop letting me only get a few hours of sleep. Hopefully it won't be in the middle of finals.

I have discovered that I expend a lot more energy on school then most of my classmates. I just don't understand how some of them can spend so little time and why I spend so much. Some of it comes from the compulsion to play computer games while I should be typing stuff up, but some of it is out of a geuine need to be able to get into deeper meanings of stuff. Still, I am not sure that they pay off is worth it.

I just got my grades a few weeks ago. While they are nothing to sneeze at, I am still not 100% sure they are equalivalent to the level of effort put in. Unfortunately, law school reminds you on a regular basis that for the first few years, you are your grades to employers. So, trying to find a job this summer is less fun that I would like to admit. I don't think that my grades will bar me from getting a job, it's just that 1Ls are less likely to be hired to start with and then grades make a huge difference after that. So I start stressing about that, which leads me to stress about everything else. Which then leads to me staying up too late studying and questioning if it's at all worth the future heart problems.

I am playing softball again this season. I still can't throw because my shoulder is not ready for it, but I am playing first base which is great. My hitting is crap. Stupid third baseman keeps playing his position so I hit it to him. It is good stres relief. This weekend I am going to try being social and go to a beach party! I am going to the beach! I have lived on the coast since August and I have yet to go to the beach. How dumb is that? Well, today it shall be remedied. Hopefully, the sewage spill I heard about yesterday is not where the party is planned. Lets here it for me not getting sand in my beer!

Oh, and I was named employee of the month at the library. How ridiculous is that?

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