Friday, February 17, 2006

A day in the life of me

So, I will recap yesterday to give my four friends who read this site a hint of the reason why it takes 6 days to come up with a new post. It is a recap from midnight to midnight because there is stuff to say about the wee hours of morn that exist.

12:00am -- begin writting substantive outline due at 9am this morning which I have supposedly been working on all week, but really have been trying to get the information that will create the substantive part of the outline all week.
12:15am -- get frustrated by my inability to start and play "one game" of minesweeper"
12:45am -- start writting substantive outline, again
1:30 am -- continue writing substantive and start the debate of how substantive is substantive and if the 5 points really matter that much in the long run, begin the hearts game to play while "gathering my thoughts"
1:45 am -- force the shut down of hearts as thought seem to not be gathering themselves.
4:00 am -- finish substantive outline, which includes the line "find case support for this point" in more than one place. Somehow, I am fairly certain that this is not part of the whole "substantive" definition, yet I don't care as it is 3:30 am and I have reading and another 4 page "memo" to write for my 9am class.
4:30 am -- finish reading for 9am class and choose bed over ever dealing with my computer again. Make plans to wake at 6:30, eat McDonalds breakfast and be at school by 7 when the library opens.
7:00 am -- realize I have turned my alarm off in my sleep and will be disregarding the need to shower in order to do the work thing.
7:30 am -- arrive in style at library and start typing frantically all the while realizing 1) I am allowed to skip a few of these writing assignments over the course of the semester, 2) I am making up the crap I am writing and know that it is acctually the exact opposite of the point of the mental exercise in which I am supposed to be engaged, and 3) most of my classmates are coming in and out of the computer lab doing the same dang thing
8:45 am -- decide that the half paragraph I have just typed is the equivalent of a page, or as close to it as I am going to get and print the dang thing. 3 pages does not equal 4, but I don't care.
8:50 am -- walk across parking lot to time stamp "substantive" outline and turn in
8:52 am -- sign up for a mandatory conference w/ Prof for whom I just spent four of the wee hours trying to put together an outline for (a conference which I didn't get the email about because I've only been on the computer looking for things to do for the last 8 hours, but heard from the classmate who turned in her assignment when I did)
8:55 am -- walk into Crim Law where zombies and over-caffinate hyper spazs seem to have taken over my classmates, spend next five minutes talking about how little sleep we all got and how none of us feel prepared to do anything that day
9:00 am -- proceed to learn from a man who is considered to be one of the smartest professors at the Law School who has also teaches philosophy as a guest professor on occassion. He tries to teach me criminal law. I try to avoid looking stupid on a regular basis by taking copious notes which don't tell me anything because it is a truly socratic class that leads to the conclusion that there really is no answer.
10:08am -- class ends head to 10:30 classroom to do the reading that I didn't get to last night.
10:30am -- Civil Procedure class begins. I am still trying to finish the reading while taking notes. The professor that I have for this class is considered a leading scholar in California Civil Procedure, and has written the only available casebook on the subject. Fortunately, this is just general civil procedure and he his a great teacher. I take notes that make sense and get through the reading far enough to almost participate in class. I do not get called on because I volunteered so much last semester that this semester we are "letting someone else have a chance" -- yes I am that girl.
11:45 am -- Professor finishes class 5 minutes early woohoo! So, I head to the car to switch books then to the deli to buy lunch
11:55 am -- pull out the reading for Constitutional law which is swimming with words that I cannot read like "this" and "is" while I eat my sanwich which says it has mustard on but I can't taste it which is frustrating because I like mustard
12:05 pm -- classmate joins me stating that I will not be doing the reading anymore because she wishes to distract me. I agree to the plan and we plot the demise of a particular classmate who drives all other students and most professors up the frickin wall. Much joy is shared.
12:30 pm -- part ways with classmate as she goes to switch her books and I go to put my coffee cup in the car which I meant to do before when I switched my books out
12:35 pm -- arrive in classroom for Constitutional Law to do more reading. Get through about two pages when classmates start arriving and we begin to talk. Discussion turns to the fact that no one can participate in the class because they don't know what's going on and don't think doing the reading is important. I become further convinced that someday I will be the only one there for class in my area of the classroom.
1:05 pm -- Australian professor (who is teching American Constitutional law without having gone to a US law school) starts class late because he is always late, even though he comes into the room on time he leaves and then comes back late
1:20 pm -- realize that even though I am about 50 pages behind in the reading, I will be fine because well, so's the class. Besides there are about 10 of us who participate in class, including me, and he never picks on you when you're wrong
2:50 pm -- class is done for the day. Determine that I am exhausted and will not continue on studying at the library today, I will go home. Discuss with classmates about going out on Saturday by inviting myself to classmate's birthday party. Make it better by offering to take her to Costco to pick up party supplies.
3:05 pm -- decide that I need to buy a new highlighter and other stuff so head to Costco to do it (a five minute drive from school). Decide that Costco is awesome, but it's a good thing if I don't got more than once a month as I buy too much stuff because I'm at costco. Bought many things that I will need in the future, but don't need today. Cannot buy forty day supply of Claritin-D because it's illegal to sell that many boxes as once by state law, settle for the allowed 20 day supply and realize that it's great for business because you have to come back more often. Also, if I was going to make meth out of it, do you think I would also buy two button downshirts and organic lettuce and not some other product used in making meth at the same time? (In OR, they take a record behind the pharmacy counter of your name and license because the state requires that it get tracked. They sell 30 day supplies there.)
4:25 pm -- arrive home (Costco is about a five minute drive from my house), take three trips from car to 2nd floor apartment because I just went to Costco. Take trash out (twice) as I return to car
4:40 pm -- determine that since Costco did not have highlighters and I like to go to places that aren't school I will go to Office Depot. Spend a crap ton of time trying to figure out what type of highlighter to buy because none of them are labeled with markings like "will not bleed through the page making it appear that the other side is highlighted" except one which I bought the last time which was more like a glue stick (without the glue attributes) than a highlighter. More accurately it was like a tube of lipstick, simply applies color on top of the page by placing some sort of solid colorant stuff on it. After that, I realized I needed more notebooks in which notes would be taken. Wander around Office Depot (pronounced as though it rhymes with the kitchen item) looking for legal pads that aren't legal size (couldn't find them in either size) and end up finding a travel USB drive that is on wicked good sale with much storage space. Get the clerk to open the case and procure me the last one with the rebate. Ask the clerk where legal pads are ("oh, you mean the ones that tear from the top" ???) and get directions to the one aisle I didn't go to because I didn't realize there was anything there. Pick-up a bunch of the office depot brand which are on clearance (24 pads w/ 50 pages...that should get me through March). Pay and leave.
5:45pm -- return home hoping that new highlighters won't bleed through paper.
6:00pm -- apartment is too quiet and turn on tv with my property book out to catch up on reading and do reading for tomorrow (highlighter does not bleed, minor moral victory for the day accomplished)
8:00 pm -- with book still out and tv still on, try to read but have gotten about two pages into the reading
8:30 pm -- bake a potato in the microwave. Decided that precooked chicken strips that say not to use after 2/2/06 should still be used because they only look weird because the carmel coloring is bleeding out (or at least that what I've told myself).
10:00pm -- having turned the page once and watch a throughly facinating CSI episode (it gets better sometimes when it sort of relates to law school stuff, which the rerun did in an odd, baby selling sort of way) decide to call the boyfriend to chat for a while
10:03 pm -- boyfriend is currently boarding a plane to go to Vegas and spend the entire time drunk. I get short lecture on not drinking and driving on Saturday. Made mental note that he needs to piss off. Share my moral victory which does not seem to impress him so decide he should get on the plane and I will seriously do my reading now.
10:10 pm -- try to read, turn tv back on get through about 4 pages
11:30 pm -- I realize Letterman is on which makes it late, decide to wait til top 10 is read. Am pleased with the number of "Cheney was drunk and shot somebody jokes"
12:15 am -- decide that I must sleep now will do the property reading later and go to bed

That is why no one ever hears from me. It's all minesweepers fault.

Chicken must thaw faster...


Laurie K said...

Erin! Your comment on Melinda's blog led me to you! It is great to read about your San Diego-law school life. It does not sound too different from my first year of grad school, but luckily that is all behind me now, although the daytime tv does still impede my progress. At least I get 8 hours of sleep a night now. :)

Anyway, it is great to hear about what you are up to these days.

Melinda said...

E, I love you. Take a nap!

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching this week's 24 and your day is sort of like Jack Bauer's..except without the guns...terrorism...and with books...but both based in California. Actually, I don't ever recall an episode in Costco so perhaps your day is not like the TV show.

Anonymous said...

ow, that sounds too hard. I was just thinking about going back to school for a PhD in astrophysics, but I've decided not to after all. Just kidding. Get some sleep and have some fun whenever you can!