Sunday, November 02, 2008

Not anything about Europe

Okay, so I'm bad at this "blogging" thing. I understand that, but it's sort of ridiculous that I can't even post about things that are current because I'm spending all the few blogs that I do write on old trips.

So, here's some semi-recent news. I'm engaged (and have been for almost two months). So, I have been not planning my wedding because it's a big and expense task. Mostly because I'm apparently more traditional and snobby than I thought. Also because San Diego isn't cheap, no matter what you do.

I'm working now. I have no idea what I'm doing on a regular basis, but the people keep telling me that it's normal and okay thing. It should make me feel better, but it doesn't.

I also had to go on an orientation where I learned about communication and active listening. Then we had to go to fancy dinner with other new associates to the firm. Yeah, I'm glad I don't live in New York because a large number of those associates really irritated me because of how important they thought they were and how much better they thought they were. We work for the same firm, make the same pay, and started at the same time. You're not inherently better than me, so get over it.

I did get to see Laurie and her man, which was far superior. It's awesome to hear about what they're doing and how their lives are changing. Although, I seem to have stayed caught up because of the blogging. Live is always better, however.

That's pretty much it for now. I need to go to the grocery store now because I need food to eat.

1 comment:

Laurie K said...

yay! It was awesome to see you!