Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanks for the giving

So, I'm feeling much better now. A lot of the stress I was feeling has passed because the projects have been completed (up to the point they were required to be by now).

I tried my first "case" last week. I was working for the prosecution and the three juries found the defendant guilty. Mostly, I was just happy I didn't sound like an idiot and I got a lot of compliments from the mock juries. Mind you, they were all jurors under the age of 20. But, it was still a good feeling.

Also, I did my first power point presentation yesterday too. It was a presentation on my Gender and the Law paper for class. I got a little good feedback from that, too. I don't really remember much about my presentation but it finished. I didn't get a lot of feedback, so it's hard to tell how it went over. So, that is that.

Now it's the Thanksgiving break and I've realized that I have about a week until I turn 30 and then two weeks until finals. HOPEFULLY (but really not likely) I will use these three days effectively.

Hopefully you all know how much you have to be thankful for. I am thankful for all of you and the love you give me.

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