Monday, August 27, 2007

So thin, my time that is

So, I have definitely spread myself too thin. I am not surprised that I have done this (it's been a constant theme in law school), but I am shocked by how quickly I've realized it this semester. Based on my yearly plan to improve my time management skills, I am constantly updating my calendar and to do list as I realize what all I need to get finished, only to realize that I spend as much time writing down what I need to accomplish as accomplishing it. That is not good time management. If anyone has suggestions, I'm open to them.

Right now, I'm procrastinating the writing of my cover letters for my judicial applications. They all must be accomplished by September 4. I have finished 0 of 70. That is not a good ratio. Also, the career services people seem to be not helpful because they're moving offices again. They got booted from their space in the middle of the summer and didn't get to move back in until last week making them hard to get a hold of and not as responsive as they want to be. I don't like it at all.

Never mind the fact that my parents are coming to visit this weekend, so I won't have as much time to work on my applications as I originally hoped. Stupid not getting things done...

School has started. I've been in class for a week. Somehow I managed to get myself a schedule where I only have Thursday off, but I have to come to school for office hours anyway. How on earth did I manage that while I'm only going part time? Still, it should be a good semester. One paper (30+ pages on gender and the law -- can we say "Erin will be more disgruntled with the man this semester"?); one "trial" (it's a mock trial and the course is a pass/fail class); and two finals (one open book, one closed book). That sound reasonable. Now if only I could sit down and figure out what I want to write my paper on...

I'm also dog sitting this week for a dog who cannot hear. It's strange because I'm in someone else house and no one else is there. Normally, I would talk to the dog, but I feel weird doing that since I know she can't hear me. Also, in order to get her attention, I have to put my hand in front of her nose and then start petting her. It makes me sad because I like this dog and it means she's getting very old.

As for my niece, she is the tiniest little thing and she is still struggling to gain wait. I will post a picture when I take the time to download them from my camera (can you say "Lazy"?). My sister is one of the strongest people I know and is struggling to be okay with all of this. She seems to think that because the baby isn't breast feeding well, she is a failure as a mom, especially if she decides quits trying to breast feed. I think that she is a great mom and I am sad that she doubts herself. However, I have not been in her shoes so I don't know how to tell her that she is doing great without sounding patronizing.

On a lighter note, my mom says my niece looks like me, but mostly because she's a gassy baby who squishes up her face to fart, which apparently I did a lot as a baby, too. Aren't you glad you know that about me now?

So, the real question is, does anyone read this half-arsed attempt at blogging?

Sometimes, when I'm drifting into a daydream I start thinking about the cartoon version of Alice in Wonderland and wonder why that movie didn't unsettle me as much as Dumbo (pink elephants on parade scene) or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (through the LSD tunnel scene -- original "Gene Wilder on cocaine" version) did when I was a kid.



Anonymous said...

Yes Erin, of course people ready your blog! Since I'm crap at emailing people it's a great way to keep up to date on what's going on in your life. Good luck with sorting out the new semester and give my best to your family!

Melinda said...

I read it, love. :)

Tell your sister she can email me if she wants to talk to someone who's been there. For reals. I know exactly what it feels like when your body can't provide for your kid no matter how hard you try, and the whole world makes you feel like a big fat failure. I'd also be happy to send her a pic of my big fat healthy almost-1-yr-old who finally gained tons of weight and got happy...once I whipped out the Similac.

And that's all I'm saying about THAT.