Thursday, May 17, 2007

Done with finals...

So, four finals in 8 days. None of them seemed like I particularly did great. I realized I left out a major issue on one, but five days later. Not the best feeling in the world. I don't think that I flunked anything, but I really don't know if I did great on anything either. I really wanted to do well on one or two, just so I felt good about this semester, but I didn't and that annoys me.

Now, I am driving home so that I can get the car's license renewed. In honor of that I had Dusty washed. She was dirty within hours. All I did was park her in her assigned space under the roof. So, of course she got dirty. I have to drive her home because I have to get an air quality test done, and that means the car needs to be there. Since I don't get to take any vacation during the 10 weeks I'm working this summer, I need to do it in the week long break I get. Fortunately, the boy is coming with me and will probably do most the driving. I love driving, but I don't get to look around when I do it. Hopefully, I will have a chance to take some photos along the way and enjoy the drive in at least one direction.

But, I do have to come back before my sister and her husband flies in. I am excited that she's coming because it's the first time she's been able to come to SD since I moved here, and I get to see her when she's more visibly preggers. It is very exciting to me.

I am glad that school is done because I'm getting a little burnt out, but part of me feels like I could stay in school for a long time. We will see, because I got a ton of loans to repay now. Still, I don't know what I would want to focus on academically, so I need to figure all that out first. It's weird thinking about my future and being so unsure about what I want.

My toenails hurt because my cleats are too tights with my inserts.

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