Friday, August 25, 2006

many happy returns

Well, I should start with an apology to all of you who have checked for a sign of life in the last month and a half, but excuses are trite and pointless and you probably wouldn't believe my apology to be sincere anyway. Or, you've stopped checking and will never read this again.

So, to recap my summer:
Family wedding
See above post -- actually it's the post below not above

Friend's wedding
awesome time had by me, I think, I don't remember the end except I invited the whole wedding reception to my parent's house to continue the party -- with their approval of course-- where I subsequently gave away my favorite flipflops to a girl I've met twice who does not remember me from the first time we met because she didn't like me because she thought I was trying to steal her boyfriend (who is now her husband and father of her baby)...enough said.

Summer externship with Judge
I am no longer going their, but I still have work to do. I learned lots, but most important to me was that I am not an idiot and can probably be a good lawyer

Searching for an apartment
So much to say, so little to show for it. Eventually we found a place. It's in the same complex I live in right now and we're not moving till September. There is much frustration rooted in this activity that I would rather not subject you all to, but it's focused on two things: 1) someone else's level of participation in the process and 2) my inability to express my frustration re #1 and internal battling over it. Now we move to living together.
Oh, and we are, obviously, nowhere nearer the beach.

I took a summer seminar. I went to class, read some stuff, spent most of class thinking "daaah, I can read..." (me drooling), and wrote a paper that I could have done better with. Got my grade yesterday, could be worse, could be better. Settled on that.

So, then what's new, you may ask. I am back at school. I am working two jobs (at the library training all the little first year workers and as a TA to the lawyering skills department -- I gots you skillz right here byatch). I am starting the unsettling process of summer associate recruiting, i.e., I am looking for my summer job at a law firm as of yesterday (wait, summer isn't for 9 months, you say, to which I respond: getting a summer job for lawyers is like having a baby you start out having some fun, then have to do a bunch of things right so you don't screw it up before you get it, and then you hope you end up with something that doesn't screw you or itself up to badly. Or something like that.) I am a "provisional member" of a law journal -- go me -- oh wait, that's a lot more work.

What isn't new: I still don't get enough sleep.

For more details please check back in a month. Hopefully I'll have posted multiple times since then.

Welcome to the circulation desk, you're about to listen to me for three hours of which you will remember barely anything at all. Learn it, love it, live it...

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