Thursday, March 26, 2009

I caved, and I was still right

Okay, so the three of you that still read this know that I caved to the peer pressure and signed up for facebook. It came from over a week's worth of conversations that all eventually turned back to something about facebook. It may have been an unconscious thing on my part, but really it was getting to me. So, I took the plunged, but largely because one person noted that there were some hilarious pictures of someone else and a goat. This, I must say, clinched it.

However, since signing up, I've noticed that I was right about a lot of things. 1) I don't keep up with it as much as other people do. Nor do I have any idea what to post on my page. Besides my profile picture, which has lead to a lot of wtf-esq comments, I have yet to post anything worthy of the five minutes it takes to get it up there. Also, I have limited pictures of myself as I don't believe in cameras in general. When I do have a camera, I take photos of others. When someone else has a camera, I hide. Therefore, I have no interesting photo albums to upload. Also, I don't do anything so why post anything about that... 2) um, I don't know a lot of the people well who are asking for friend requests. Seriously, most of my high school seems to be on facebook and I don't remember most of them in any real way. And there were only 65 people in my graduating class. I don't care what most of them are up to, or I would make it a point to keep track/e-mail/go to reunions with them. Some of them aren't even from my class year and want to be on my friends list. I don't even remember them AT ALL. Why on earth do they want to add me as I don't recall ever conversing in a meaningful way with any of them. Is this our latest version of competition, since most of us are no longer physically active in the United States? Ha, I have 300 friends on facebook and you only have 250?

What I do like about it is how many parents of young peoples have their entire photo section dedicated to pictures of their kids. This is awesome as I don't every get to see this little people in the real world, so at least I can get to know them virtually.

Other things of importance in my life: this whole wedding thing is getting to be a pretty solid picture. It is strange how the boy is so helpful about some things, but getting him to ask his grooms people is like asking him to set him self on fire. He keeps putting it off. Most of them are "typical" males, so it's not like there will be some long sentimental conversation that goes along with this question. Most will just be happy that he's asking them as they all appear to like me so don't disapprove of his decision to marry me. I understand the issues about choosing between friends, but for those that he knows he wants, what's the hold up?

Also, we have decided to purchase "starter" wedding bands. This is in part to reduce costs but it's also because I have no idea what I want and will likely want something custom made which just takes a lot of decision making on my part. I am not very good at decision making when it comes to picking out a restaurant/bar, so why on earth would I want to design something that will cost a lot to make all because of an arbitrary deadline of my wedding date. So, we will be getting rings and they will likely be made of titanium. I find that really cool. I am hoping to have a black stripe in mine. However, the problem I've encountered is that all metal bands are considered "male" only, therefore are all very wide, and "females" rings are expensive jewel encrusted bands according to the jewelry trade. This is wrong as I am not a diamond band type of girl. I put my hands into softball gloves. I don't want to remove my ring and thereby increase the chance of loosing a stone or the whole thing because of my lifestyle. So, that's more complication than I need. Also, I have the tiniest finger size so I'm trying to avoid a giant width of ring. But seriously, titanium seems like a cool thing.

Work is kicking my ass. I'm now regularly here from 8:30 - 8:00 pm. It good in that I still have job, but I'm tired all the time and am stressed out, which effects my relationship in a not as healthy as I personally am looking for. I have noticed that I get super annoyed quickly and without a real justification. However, the boy notices and asks why, but I'm not so open about it because I know that I'm just stressed out and tired.

Still, it'd be nice if he did the darn dishes everyone in a while...or, more accurately, if he would just do something around the house without me having to repeatedly ask for him to do it and then start doing it myself because it has gotten to be too long and then he asks if he can help. I just cannot win the outlasting game as I desire not to live in complete filth in order to win what I see as a battle of wills and what he sees as not a problem. Oh, and I've talked about this with him before and I have come to the conclusion that he will never get this. EVER. Still, I want to marry him, but apparently I just needed to vent in cyberspace.

Would it be inappropriate to quote The Princess Bride on my wedding invitations?

Monday, March 02, 2009

So much pressure...

Okay, so I know it's not cool to have this attitude, but I don't want to join facebook. Is that a crime? The boy has pointed out that most of my friends have facebook pages (so does he) and so do a large portion of my family. He also reminds me it's a way of keeping track of people who I haven't seen. I have been officially invited (i.e. by people who have facebook pages through their facebook accounts) to join no less than four times. However, I don't want to be a part of it.

I know that it probably would be good to join because of the ability to keep up with others, but considering how often I don't update this blog, what would be the possibility to keep better track of me. It would be one more obligation that I would have to keep and would fail to do so. Why do I need that right now? I barely e-mail people back and I certainly never remember to e-mail others spontaneously without a specific purpose/mass e-mail intent.

Plus, I know employers, clients, and the like would check on me. No matter how tasteful and appropriate my site would be, there would likely be some concern flagged somewhere. Even if I did mark it as private, some how I just don't trust the system.

What's the upside for me to start now? The last time I join one of these sites, no one used it after that (e.g. AOL IM; Friendster). As soon as I start a site, people will have moved on to the next cool way to make me feel inadequate in the area of keeping up my contact with others. Many of them have jumped to add twitter, which just seems like it would be boring for me to add: at work; at home watching TV; asleep. There you have the options, figure it out for yourself.

Until such time as I have been convinced that it is worth my investment of time (or my mom decides to join because it's that ubiquitous), I shall remain facebook profile free.

Stupid peer pressure...

In other news, I have spent more time at the dentist/orthodontist in the last three months then I have spent at the gym. Today, the trip to the ortho cost me at $30 parking ticket because they cannot properly estimate how long there appointments will take. I should know this by now, but I did feed the meter for an extra 20 minutes. To bad that I needed an extra 40 minutes (doubling the estimated appointment time). I'm sort of hella pissed about it too. Especially since they called and asked me to come in early but then I sat in the chair by myself until my original appointment time anyway. ARG! In addition, I have never had a ticket in my life, including parking tickets (excluding Grinnell College parking tickets, of which I had 1). From my four visits to the orthodontist, I've gotten two tickets out of the deal. One for a bad brake light (in the boy's car no less) and one for parking. BASTARDS!

I think that topic is getting me all worked up, and seeing as how I'm supposed to be working right now, I think I will stop my ranting.

I should be exploring the library's catalogue for something more interesting to read then The Knot's Guide to Weddings. Later!